Try it using Invoke-Atomic

Software Deployment Tools

Description from ATT&CK

Adversaries may gain access to and use centralized software suites installed within an enterprise to execute commands and move laterally through the network. Configuration management and software deployment applications may be used in an enterprise network or cloud environment for routine administration purposes. These systems may also be integrated into CI/CD pipelines. Examples of such solutions include: SCCM, HBSS, Altiris, AWS Systems Manager, Microsoft Intune, Azure Arc, and GCP Deployment Manager.

Access to network-wide or enterprise-wide endpoint management software may enable an adversary to achieve remote code execution on all connected systems. The access may be used to laterally move to other systems, gather information, or cause a specific effect, such as wiping the hard drives on all endpoints.

SaaS-based configuration management services may allow for broad Cloud Administration Command on cloud-hosted instances, as well as the execution of arbitrary commands on on-premises endpoints. For example, Microsoft Configuration Manager allows Global or Intune Administrators to run scripts as SYSTEM on on-premises devices joined to Azure AD.(Citation: SpecterOps Lateral Movement from Azure to On-Prem AD 2020) Such services may also utilize Web Protocols to communicate back to adversary owned infrastructure.(Citation: Mitiga Security Advisory: SSM Agent as Remote Access Trojan)

Network infrastructure devices may also have configuration management tools that can be similarly abused by adversaries.(Citation: Fortinet Zero-Day and Custom Malware Used by Suspected Chinese Actor in Espionage Operation)

The permissions required for this action vary by system configuration; local credentials may be sufficient with direct access to the third-party system, or specific domain credentials may be required. However, the system may require an administrative account to log in or to access specific functionality.

Atomic Tests

Atomic Test #1 - Radmin Viewer Utility

An adversary may use Radmin Viewer Utility to remotely control Windows device, this will start the radmin console.

Supported Platforms: windows

auto_generated_guid: b4988cad-6ed2-434d-ace5-ea2670782129


Name Description Type Default Value
radmin_installer Radmin Viewer installer path RadminViewer.msi
radmin_exe The radmin.exe executable from RadminViewer.msi path Radmin Viewer 3/Radmin.exe

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)


Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: Radmin Viewer Utility must be installed at specified location (#{radmin_exe})

Check Prereq Commands:

if (Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}/#{radmin_exe}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}

Get Prereq Commands:

Write-Host Downloading radmin installer
New-Item -Type Directory "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\" -ErrorAction Ignore -Force | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\#{radmin_installer}"
Write-Host Install Radmin
Start-Process msiexec  -Wait -ArgumentList /i , "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\#{radmin_installer}", /qn

Atomic Test #2 - PDQ Deploy RAT

An adversary may use PDQ Deploy Software to deploy the Remote Adminstartion Tool, this will start the PDQ console.

Supported Platforms: windows

auto_generated_guid: e447b83b-a698-4feb-bed1-a7aaf45c3443


Name Description Type Default Value
PDQ_Deploy_installer PDQ Deploy Install path PDQDeploysetup.exe
PDQ_Deploy_exe The PDQDeployConsole.exe executable from PDQDeploysetup.exe path Admin Arsenal/PDQ Deploy/PDQDeployConsole.exe

Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)


Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: PDQ Deploy will be installed at specified location (#{PDQ_Deploy_exe})

Check Prereq Commands:

if (Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}/#{PDQ_Deploy_exe}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}

Get Prereq Commands:

Write-Host Downloading PDQ Deploy installer
New-Item -Type Directory "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\" -ErrorAction Ignore -Force | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\#{PDQ_Deploy_installer}"
Write-Host Install PDQ Deploy
Start-Process "PathToAtomicsFolder\..\ExternalPayloads\#{PDQ_Deploy_installer}" -Wait -ArgumentList "/s"

Atomic Test #3 - Deploy 7-Zip Using Chocolatey

An adversary may use Chocolatey to remotely deploy the 7-Zip file archiver utility.

Supported Platforms: windows

auto_generated_guid: 2169e8b0-2ee7-44cb-8a6e-d816a5db7d8a



Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

# Deploy 7-Zip using Chocolatey
choco install -y 7zip

Dependencies: Run with powershell!

Description: Chocolatey must be installed to deploy 7-Zip.

Check Prereq Commands:

if (Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Chocolatey\choco.exe") {exit 0} else {exit 1}

Get Prereq Commands:

Write-Host Downloading Chocolatey installer
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "chocolatey-install.ps1"
Write-Host Installing Chocolatey
Start-Process -FilePath "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File chocolatey-install.ps1" -Wait
