T1612 - Build Image on Host

Description from ATT&CK

Adversaries may build a container image directly on a host to bypass defenses that monitor for the retrieval of malicious images from a public registry. A remote build request may be sent to the Docker API that includes a Dockerfile that pulls a vanilla base image, such as alpine, from a public or local registry and then builds a custom image upon it.(Citation: Docker Build Image) An adversary may take advantage of that build API to build a custom image on the host that includes malware downloaded from their C2 server, and then they may utilize [Deploy Container](https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1610) using that custom image.(Citation: Aqua Build Images on Hosts)(Citation: Aqua Security Cloud Native Threat Report June 2021) If the base image is pulled from a public registry, defenses will likely not detect the image as malicious since it’s a vanilla image. If the base image already resides in a local registry, the pull may be considered even less suspicious since the image is already in the environment.

Atomic Tests

Atomic Test #1 - Build Image On Host

Adversaries may build a container image directly on a host to bypass defenses that monitor for the retrieval of malicious images from a public registry. An adversary may take advantage of that build API to build a custom image on the host that includes malware downloaded from their C2 server, and then they then may utilize Deploy Container using that custom image.

Supported Platforms: Containers

auto_generated_guid: 2db30061-589d-409b-b125-7b473944f9b3

Attack Commands: Run with

docker build -t t1612  $PathtoAtomicsFolder/T1612/src/
docker run --name t1612_container --rm -d -t t1612
docker exec t1612_container ./test.sh

Cleanup Commands:

docker stop t1612_container
docker rmi -f t1612

Dependencies: Run with

Description: Verify docker is installed.
Check Prereq Commands:
which docker
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ "" == "`which docker`" ]; then echo "Docker Not Found"; if [ -n "`which apt-get`" ]; then sudo apt-get -y install docker ; elif [ -n "`which yum`" ]; then sudo yum -y install docker ; fi ; else echo "Docker installed"; fi
Description: Verify docker service is running.
Check Prereq Commands:
sudo systemctl status docker  --no-pager
Get Prereq Commands:
sudo systemctl start docker