Adversaries may attempt to access detailed information about the password policy used within an enterprise network or cloud environment. Password policies are a way to enforce complex passwords that are difficult to guess or crack through [Brute Force]( This information may help the adversary to create a list of common passwords and launch dictionary and/or brute force attacks which adheres to the policy (e.g. if the minimum password length should be 8, then not trying passwords such as 'pass123'; not checking for more than 3-4 passwords per account if the lockout is set to 6 as to not lock out accounts).
Password policies can be set and discovered on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems via various command shell utilities such as net accounts (/domain), Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy, chage -l </code>, cat /etc/pam.d/common-password, and pwpolicy getaccountpolicies (Citation: Superuser Linux Password Policies) (Citation: Jamf User Password Policies). Adversaries may also leverage a [Network Device CLI]( on network devices to discover password policy information (e.g. show aaa, show aaa common-criteria policy all).(Citation: US-CERT-TA18-106A)
Password policies can be discovered in cloud environments using available APIs such as GetAccountPasswordPolicy in AWS (Citation: AWS GetPasswordPolicy).</blockquote>
## Atomic Tests
- [Atomic Test #1 - Examine password complexity policy - Ubuntu](#atomic-test-1---examine-password-complexity-policy---ubuntu)
- [Atomic Test #2 - Examine password complexity policy - FreeBSD](#atomic-test-2---examine-password-complexity-policy---freebsd)
- [Atomic Test #3 - Examine password complexity policy - CentOS/RHEL 7.x](#atomic-test-3---examine-password-complexity-policy---centosrhel-7x)
- [Atomic Test #4 - Examine password complexity policy - CentOS/RHEL 6.x](#atomic-test-4---examine-password-complexity-policy---centosrhel-6x)
- [Atomic Test #5 - Examine password expiration policy - All Linux](#atomic-test-5---examine-password-expiration-policy---all-linux)
- [Atomic Test #6 - Examine local password policy - Windows](#atomic-test-6---examine-local-password-policy---windows)
- [Atomic Test #7 - Examine domain password policy - Windows](#atomic-test-7---examine-domain-password-policy---windows)
- [Atomic Test #8 - Examine password policy - macOS](#atomic-test-8---examine-password-policy---macos)
- [Atomic Test #9 - Get-DomainPolicy with PowerView](#atomic-test-9---get-domainpolicy-with-powerview)
- [Atomic Test #10 - Enumerate Active Directory Password Policy with get-addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy](#atomic-test-10---enumerate-active-directory-password-policy-with-get-addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy)
- [Atomic Test #11 - Use of SecEdit.exe to export the local security policy (including the password policy)](#atomic-test-11---use-of-seceditexe-to-export-the-local-security-policy-including-the-password-policy)
- [Atomic Test #12 - Examine AWS Password Policy](#atomic-test-12---examine-aws-password-policy)
## Atomic Test #1 - Examine password complexity policy - Ubuntu
Lists the password complexity policy to console on Ubuntu Linux.
**Supported Platforms:** Linux
**auto_generated_guid:** 085fe567-ac84-47c7-ac4c-2688ce28265b
#### Attack Commands: Run with `bash`!
cat /etc/pam.d/common-password
## Atomic Test #2 - Examine password complexity policy - FreeBSD
Lists the password complexity policy to console on FreeBSD.
**Supported Platforms:** Linux
**auto_generated_guid:** a7893624-a3d7-4aed-9676-80498f31820f
#### Attack Commands: Run with `sh`!
cat /etc/pam.d/passwd
## Atomic Test #3 - Examine password complexity policy - CentOS/RHEL 7.x
Lists the password complexity policy to console on CentOS/RHEL 7.x Linux.
**Supported Platforms:** Linux
**auto_generated_guid:** 78a12e65-efff-4617-bc01-88f17d71315d
#### Attack Commands: Run with `bash`!
cat /etc/security/pwquality.conf
#### Dependencies: Run with `bash`!
##### Description: System must be CentOS or RHEL v7
##### Check Prereq Commands:
if [ $(uname -a | grep -ioP 'el[0-9]' | grep -oP '[0-9]') -eq "7" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi;
##### Get Prereq Commands:
echo Please run from CentOS or RHEL v7
## Atomic Test #4 - Examine password complexity policy - CentOS/RHEL 6.x
Lists the password complexity policy to console on CentOS/RHEL 6.x Linux.
**Supported Platforms:** Linux
**auto_generated_guid:** 6ce12552-0adb-4f56-89ff-95ce268f6358
#### Attack Commands: Run with `bash`!
cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth
cat /etc/security/pwquality.conf
#### Dependencies: Run with `bash`!
##### Description: System must be CentOS or RHEL v6
##### Check Prereq Commands:
if [ $(rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}') -eq "6" ]; then exit /b 0; else exit /b 1; fi;
##### Get Prereq Commands:
echo Please run from CentOS or RHEL v6
## Atomic Test #5 - Examine password expiration policy - All Linux
Lists the password expiration policy to console on CentOS/RHEL/Ubuntu.
**Supported Platforms:** Linux
**auto_generated_guid:** 7c86c55c-70fa-4a05-83c9-3aa19b145d1a
#### Attack Commands: Run with `bash`!
cat /etc/login.defs
## Atomic Test #6 - Examine local password policy - Windows
Lists the local password policy to console on Windows.
**Supported Platforms:** Windows
**auto_generated_guid:** 4588d243-f24e-4549-b2e3-e627acc089f6
#### Attack Commands: Run with `command_prompt`!
net accounts
## Atomic Test #7 - Examine domain password policy - Windows
Lists the domain password policy to console on Windows.
**Supported Platforms:** Windows
**auto_generated_guid:** 46c2c362-2679-4ef5-aec9-0e958e135be4
#### Attack Commands: Run with `command_prompt`!
net accounts /domain
## Atomic Test #8 - Examine password policy - macOS
Lists the password policy to console on macOS.
**Supported Platforms:** macOS
**auto_generated_guid:** 4b7fa042-9482-45e1-b348-4b756b2a0742
#### Attack Commands: Run with `bash`!
pwpolicy getaccountpolicies
## Atomic Test #9 - Get-DomainPolicy with PowerView
Utilizing PowerView, run Get-DomainPolicy to return the default domain policy or the domain controller policy for the current domain or a specified domain/domain controller.
**Supported Platforms:** Windows
**auto_generated_guid:** 3177f4da-3d4b-4592-8bdc-aa23d0b2e843
#### Attack Commands: Run with `powershell`!
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing); Get-DomainPolicy -verbose
## Atomic Test #10 - Enumerate Active Directory Password Policy with get-addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy
The following Atomic test will utilize get-addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy to enumerate domain password policy.
Upon successful execution a listing of the policy implemented will display.
**Supported Platforms:** Windows
**auto_generated_guid:** b2698b33-984c-4a1c-93bb-e4ba72a0babb
#### Attack Commands: Run with `powershell`!
## Atomic Test #11 - Use of SecEdit.exe to export the local security policy (including the password policy)
SecEdit.exe can be used to export the current local security policy applied to a host.
**Supported Platforms:** Windows
**auto_generated_guid:** 510cc97f-56ac-4cd3-a198-d3218c23d889
#### Attack Commands: Run with `command_prompt`! Elevation Required (e.g. root or admin)
secedit.exe /export /areas SECURITYPOLICY /cfg output_mysecpol.txt
## Atomic Test #12 - Examine AWS Password Policy
This atomic test will display details about the password policy for the current AWS account.
**Supported Platforms:** Iaas:aws
**auto_generated_guid:** 15330820-d405-450b-bd08-16b5be5be9f4
#### Attack Commands: Run with `sh`!
aws iam get-account-password-policy
#### Dependencies: Run with `sh`!
##### Description: Check if ~/.aws/credentials file has a default stanza is configured
##### Check Prereq Commands:
cat ~/.aws/credentials | grep "default"
##### Get Prereq Commands:
echo Please install the aws-cli and configure your AWS defult profile using: aws configure